Doggie Travel

Did you fall in love with that Nica street dog and want to take it home with you?

Here we list the process involved if you will be traveling with a dog from Nicaragua to North America.

1. Your dog must be up to date on their rabies and distemper vaccinations and it also helps for them to receive a dewormer as well

2. Visit a licensed vet with your dog for a health check up and to receive any vaccinations and/or dewormer if needed (Stones & Waves is able to do this granted we have a volunteer vet at the time)

3. You will require a health certificate from a licensed vet (who is legally licensed to work in Nicaragua). We recommend Raymari Veterinary Clinic in Managua. They will provide a health certificate and upon request they will issue it in English. Please note: Most airlines traveling to North America require it to be in English. The health certificate MUST be issued no more than 10 days before departure.

4. You will also require permission for your dog to leave the country (Permiso de exportacion/permiso de salida). This is issued by customs (aduanas) at the airport. However, for an extra fee Raymari Veterinary Clinic can do this for you.

For this document, you will need to provide:
A copy of your passport
A copy of your dogs vaccination pages (the first page that identifies the dog and those that list his vaccinations received)
A piece of paper that lists your address and telephone in Nicaragua and the address and telephone of your (their) final destination
And the date of departure

Once you have these 2 documents (health certificate and permission of exit) your dog is good to go!

PAY ATTENTION to the time you are planning to travel; Temperature is a big issue- most airlines have restrictions about an animal going from extreme hot to cold destinations (and vice versa)

The US and Canada do not quarantine animals. All they require is a proof of rabies vaccine, however, be sure to check with your state and/or provincial departments to verify requirements for a dog entry.

Plan to make 2 trips to the vet in Managua, once with the dog to solicit for the paperwork and a second time to pick up the paperwork

Raymari Veterinary Clinic:
Bolonia, Optica Nicaraguense 1 c al este y 30 mts al sur, Managua